Monday, February 28, 2011

this song represent a culture

I guess... B-52's always will be fun
and awesome, I feel a little tribute to
the cult Faster, Pussycat, Kill Kill
Tura will love that. hahahah
If you don't love too she will broken
your arm and push you over the most higher
moutain... and later she will laugh a lot
HHAHAHA, oh yeah laugh on your face bitch
wow! kinda imagination.
Whatever, I always think in this movie
and this lunch I pass listening this song,
so listen and watch you too.

my new hair inspirations

I'm really afraid of a new hair style,
actually I'm using like a 50s modern hair
that i love... but this new idea it's much
more easyyyy!!!!
Looking for Miranda Hobbes in S&TC2
and John Connor in Terminator
I results in the mix of both :D


vacation fucked up!!!

I'm so sad and so furious...
'coz my families beach house are rented
for a couple of idiots for my grandma's
neighborhood, who cares with this motherfuckers???
I hate when unknowed people put your ass on my
plans... I'm so furious, 'coz I could pass
4 days on the beach and sand, how was my idea,
for rest and have some fun, and that's your
fault old-couple of idiots... so furious..

I will let you both couldn't sleep... for many reasons:

1) My college starts tomorrow and I have only
three days off this year
2) Carnival it's a bullshit, but enjoy this out of the beach
3) I have priority on the family, isn't? or neighbor idiots
4) I want have some rest, and now I couldn't do this.
5) Ok I will survive.

images talk more than a thousand words

This weekend was for rest but too intense!
A couple of images who resume all this rest
with entertainment pretty fucking a lot!!!

hell yeah! I could do this much times

;) ;)

See how happy we stay hahahahahahaha!
Have a nice week.

This week College begins, tomorrow!
Tipography, Expressive Draw and Graphic Computation
So good!!!!

do you catch the Oscar on TV?
I saw, i loved that, main for Natalie Portman
for me the best movie of the year is Black Swan
but king's speech wins, that's ok.


Monday, February 21, 2011


Photo: Big Day Out 2011

Você quer parecer como o Iggy Pop?
Ou só quer queimar aquelas calorias?
Aqui vai uma receita bafo de um suquinho
que aprendi em uma palestra, ainda não
tomei mas é comprovado que funciona:
Colá aí:

1 Cenoura
1 Laranja
1 Limão
1 Colher de mel ou açucar mascavo
Bata tudo no liquidificador e tome
meia hora antes das principais refeições,
ou seja, almoço e jantar.

Momento saúde é para começar a semana
total shape.


Aqui vai tb um video do Iggy Pop só
pra descontrair enquanto você prepara
o shake e dança pencas Lust For Life...

some video for you have fun

have a nice week!
'Coz this weekend was weird.
But I watch Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
hell yeaahh! And we finish Supernatural 5th season
Can't wait for the 6th.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

supernatural homoerotic


I am watching the supernatural 5th season
and in one of the episodes The Real Ghostbusters
or something like that... the guys who are presenting
a supernatural convention annouce a homoerotic show
Was completely insane, and I love that, by the way
only cute guys starring this series, don't you think?
I'm a supernatural fan, but it's very most exciting
you watch the series in dvd 'cause online sucks!
I hate watch online, I started and i stopped hahaha
the sad is wait for the 6th season : (
okay i will survive. Soon i post here a site who you
can watch every season online, if you want it.


Monday, February 14, 2011

indie is the new pop!?

Arcade Fire, Black Keys and La Roux
Three of the bands that I like so much
wins grammy! Wow! I guess (for a long time)
indie music is the pop, definelly.
Sometimes I like, sometimes I hate the idea
of a lot of fuckers listen a good music a
popularizating like pop trash who everybody
hear on the radio.
I'm afraid about a lot of things, Strokes
brings indie for mainstream, but only indies
loves this, and this is it, think about it
rihanna or pop music fans listening a couple
of bands that you love and banalize this!
Crap! Please, everything what comes pop
looks comercial and looks shit.
But I have faith in good music yet.

Friday, February 11, 2011

enjoy your friday

Inside the mood of the weekend,
enjoy first Friday night,
nothing better like friday night!
You can drink a lot of beers,
'coz friday night beers are the
bests (LAS MEJORES!)
and saturday you don't will get
headache or something like this.
'Coz sunday sucks ever!

I saw this video yesterday,
and I like this atmosphere
so vintage, do not you?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I can't wait for carnival vacations!
Will be fucking amazing. 4 days at sun, sand,
fresh water, drinks, staying cool how I desire it.

I always love Beach Boys, they score many beach moments for me
so I want to share this idea with you guys, my favorite Beach Boys'
song: Barbara Ann, it's impossible stay cold with this song!
Naturally, If you are hearing at the beach, dancing on the sand.
Pretty focking amazing!

Fuckkkk yeaaahhh! Can't wait for this...
I hate a lot of things in Brazilian Carnival, like Samba, axé, blééérgh
uó, so I make myself my soundtrack!

Let's drink together!

these songs are blowing my mind actually

The Drums is one of the best albums of 2010, and one of the best bands too.
Beth Ditto's solo project are so cool then her albums with Gossip.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I can't believe one of my favorite bands it's over forever,
but that's okay I will always love Meg White.

One of my favorite song and video.